OKR Examples that can your transform your Business Results

OKR Examples - The first step in implementing the OKR framework is to ensure that you write strong Objectives and Key Results that position you for success.

Remember that objectives are five to seven company, team, or personal goals that answer the question "what" needs to be accomplished. They are quantifiable, actionable, and ambitious, but most importantly, they are time-bound. Every objective should have three to five measurable results that address "how" you will succeed.

OKRs may appear to be straightforward, but creating effective OKRs is not simple. Thereby, we have put together examples of how various teams arrived at their OKRs. May it inspire you to write your own OKRs.

OKRs assist businesses in 5 key ways; They help to

  • Align : OKRs keep everyone on the same page regarding how projects move the company forward

  • Prioritize : OKRs connect the broad strategic goals with the work necessary to accomplish them and thus enables employees to prioritize both immediate and long-term tasks.

  • Foster Transparency : OKRs provide transparency by informing everyone within the company, from the CEO to the intern, of the impact and priorities of their various teams and people.

  • Establish Accountability : OKRs demonstrate accountability for performance expectations and eliminate any grey areas on who's responsible for meeting specific goals.

  • Empower : OKRs demonstrate empowerment

Accounting OKR Examples

Want to make effective OKRs for accounting and finance?

Are you looking for Accounting OKR examples to use as a guide?

What should be included in my Accounting OKRs?

I'm not sure how far I should drive my Accounting OKRs. What happens if we only achieve 75% of our revenue and profit projections?

This post will address these concerns and offer you the best Accounting OKR examples.

  • O Determine and set up a two-year plan for your money
  • KR Raise $10 million to help the company grow.
  • KR Organize a cross-department meeting to discuss strategies by August 20.
  • KR Frame the product roadmap by August 10.
  • KR Get sign-off on budgets by August 30.
  • O Improve functional efficiency
  • KR Perform an outside accounting audit in two weeks.
  • KR Create a process for choosing a supplier.
  • KR Collaborate with the sales manager to make sure the new standards are exemplary.
  • O Close and publish the Accounts Payable report at the end of the quarter
  • KR Check and assess departmental expenses by Friday.
  • KR Reduce redundancy by 90%.
  • KR Examine and finalize pay agreements well before the close of the quarter.
  • O Increase conformity to tax laws
  • KR Conduct a third-party audit of your tax returns.
  • KR Audit adjustments should be reduced from 3% to 1%.
  • KR Tax issues/complaints should be lowered from three to one per month.
  • KR Accounts Payable should be reduced from 3% to 1%.
  • O Internal processes should be streamlined to increase transparency in accounting
  • KR At least 90% of the time, invoices must be sorted by expense before being delivered to the accounting department.
  • KR Reduce the time required to submit documents to the accounts department by 40%.
  • KR Accelerate payment processing from "application" to "paid" and increase payment completion time to 7 hours.
  • O Boost annual budgeting and business planning efficiency
  • KR Organize a full-day meeting with the managers of each division to discuss future plans.
  • KR Prepare budget suggestions for each line of business by October 1st to ensure that they are implemented.
  • KR Ensure that all managers use the web dashboards.
  • KR Budget by October 9th.
  • O Tax-advantaged investments should be 100% tax-deductible
  • KR Reduce current liabilities from 50 percent to 30 percent of total assets by the q3 of this year.
  • KR Reduce depreciation costs from 40% to 20%.
  • KR Finish the budget by October 30th.
  • O Increase capital for expansion
  • KR Achieve at least five-second contact meetings.
  • KR Make first contact with venture investors and arrange for at least 10 meetings.
  • KR Get at least five term sheets with our bare minimum of terms on them.
  • KR Complete a pre-money financing round of $20 million.
  • O Pay top performers a competitive compensation package
  • KR Conduct a pay study for your industry.
  • KR Aim for a 40% to 70% rise in employee satisfaction with their pay.
  • KR Raise the pay of managers to industry standards.
  • KR Budgeting and accounting tasks must be completed by the end of October.
  • O Streamline the process of budgeting for everyone by the first quarter
  • KR Process the reimbursement of expenses within two weeks of receiving them.
  • KR The accounts staff should process all claim applications in less than 8 minutes.
  • KR The "Expense Management Process" should receive every employee's "Excellent" rating.
  • O Fix payroll concerns by the first quarter of the year
  • KR Payroll inaccuracies must be eliminated.
  • KR Compensations should be paid on schedule.
  • O Maintain a budget difference of less than 4%. (from the budget to the actual situation)
  • KR Account areas where you have gone over budget three times in the last six months.
  • KR Gather information from department leaders about their budgetary needs.
  • KR Analyze the number of one-time expenses that took place over the last year.

Finance OKR Examples

"How do you write successful Finance OKRs?" — of course, this is the million-dollar question. Coming up with good Finance OKRs can be difficult. While understanding the OKR approach is simple, mastering the writing portion is complex and time-consuming. Consider the following formula while writing your Finance OKRs to help you be more creative:

  • O Make Internal procedures simple and financial reporting more transparent.
  • KR Classify 85 percent of invoices by expense category before getting it to the finance department.
  • KR Decrease the time lag on documentation and submission to the finance team by 30%.
  • KR Speed up the payment cycle process from "applying" to "paid" to less than 8 hours.
  • O Improve the efficacy of your business.
  • KR Conduct a 2-week external Finance audit.
  • KR Establish a process for boarding new suppliers.
  • KR Work collaboratively with the sales manager to establish the new required standards.
  • O Become more tax compliant
  • KR Conduct a 2-week external Finance audit.
  • KR Establish a process for boarding new suppliers.
  • KR Work collaboratively with the sales manager to establish the new required standards.
  • O Finalize the Accounts Payable report at the close of the financial year
  • KR Departmental expenses should be reviewed and approved before the end of the next week.
  • KR Reduce redundancy in expenditures by 95%.
  • KR Review and execute pay agreements before the end of Q3.
  • O Raise the efficacy of annual budgeting and corporate planning
  • KR Set aside a full day of planning time with the heads of each section.
  • KR Get budget proposals for each line of business by March 1.
  • KR Make sure that every corporate manager is familiar with our web dashboards and utilize them effectively.
  • KR Complete the budget by the month end of September.
  • O Reduce Your Tax Liability
  • KR Raise the amount of tax-saving investments from 75% to 100%.
  • KR Reduce tax liabilities from 55% to 35% in the third quarter.
  • KR Depreciation costs should be reduced from 35 percent to 65 percent.
  • KR Complete budgeting by August 30.
  • O Determine and implement a two-year financial plan
  • KR Organize a department head's meet by August 20.
  • KR Build the product roadmap as the priority by July 10.
  • KR Budgets to be finished and approved by the deadline of September 30.
  • KR Raise $25 million to fund the company's expansion plans for the coming year.
  • O To attract world-class professionals, offer competitive wage packages
  • KR Make a pay comparison within the industry.
  • KR Increase Employee wage satisfaction from 70% to 80%.
  • KR Raise Managers' pay according to the industry standards.
  • KR Finish the budgeting activities by the first of November.
  • O Raise new capital to fund expansion
  • KR Make contact with venture capitalists and set up at least 15 initial meetings.
  • KR Obtain at least 10-second contact meetings with potential clients.
  • KR Solicit at least ten-term sheets that include our bare minimum of terms.
  • KR Close at least a $25 million pre-money investment round.
  • O Make spend management easy for everyone by the first quarter
  • KR Expense claims are to be processed and reimbursed within two weeks of receiving a claim.
  • KR Finance teams to expedite the claim application processing time to 5 minutes.
  • KR "Expense Management Process" of the company should always receive an excellent rating from all employees.
  • O Overcome payroll inaccuracies by the second quarter
  • KR Stop payroll errors.
  • KR Disperse salaries on time.

As the Finance department is responsible for monitoring the company's total expenses and revenue, it is critical that they assure the financial health of specific divisions. As a result, interdepartmental Finance OKR is also required. Take a look at an interdepartmental Finance OKR example.

  • O Maintain a budget deviation to less than 3 percent of the total budget. (from the budget to the reality)
  • KR Collate the data of all the areas that have exceeded budget more than twice in the first half of the year.
  • KR Collaborate with the heads of each department to ascertain their budgetary requirements.
  • KR Analyze the number of one-time expenses that were actually required over the preceding year.

We hope that our selection of finance OKR examples will assist you in getting started on your Successful OKR Journey.

Administrative OKR Examples

Administrative OKRs are the heart of any company. Administrative OKRs help management figure out whether they're concentrating on regular tasks or creating value to the organization. Spending less time on mundane tasks allows you to devote more time to strategic efforts. Learn how to build up Administrative OKRs that will help your business prosper by looking at the examples below.

  • O Evaluate why our departed customers didn't see the benefits in our offerings
  • KR Acquire a 70% response rate on the survey on grounds for churn.
  • KR Interview 25 percent of those who answered the survey's questions to understand their specific reasoning.
  • KR Analyze the responses and find eight areas that need enhancements.
  • O Make the workplace an attractive place to work
  • KR Obtain feedback on future improvements from at least 75% of the workforce.
  • KR Identify and address the top, pressing administrative concerns.
  • KR Involve a team of ten people to verify improvements.
  • KR Cloud store all the company and client data
  • KR Never run out of office supplies.
  • KR Cut down supply costs by 15%.
  • KR Create an online reservation system for conference room bookings.
  • KR Choose a new document-sharing platform.
  • O Enhance Information Technology and Infrastructure
  • KR Boost IT and infrastructure.
  • KR Reduce downtime to zero by the second quarter.
  • KR Create a new cloud backup technique and system.
  • KR Enhance IT performance and customer satisfaction.
  • O Maximize organizational and administrative productivity
  • KR Streamline the approval processes within the company.
  • KR Ascertain that executives attend all scheduled meetings and events on time.
  • KR Keep executives' inboxes at zero each week
  • KR Train the administrative employees every quarter.
  • O Make a great corporate culture
  • KR Achieve a retention rate of 95%.
  • KR Establish a new onboarding procedure for new hires.
  • KR Conduct employee satisfaction surveys every quarter throughout the company.
  • KR Achieve a 90% average level of job satisfaction.
  • KR Plan company outings once a month.
  • O Prepare for 2023 by self-educating yourself on how to be an effective EA
  • KR Read three business books. (A few examples to get you started are: The Art of Leadership and the Search for Excellence.)
  • KR Motivate and inspire your coworkers by coming up with innovative team-building ideas.
  • KR Master Excel functionalities by the end of the first quarter to streamline your weekly reporting.
  • O Enhance the efficiency of the internal document management system
  • KR Assign folder structures to all 12 teams.
  • KR Ensure that all ten teams successfully transfer and consolidate all papers into the new framework.
  • KR Gather all user comments and ensure that at least 90% of them are good.

Get started on your Successful OKR Journey with the above list of administrative OKR examples.

Business Development OKR Examples

The hustle and bustle of the business development team into correct dialogues leads to sales and, ultimately, income for your organization. They are driven by numbers and will go to any length to help you grow your business (and the size of your pocket). Put them on the right track by equipping them with Business Development OKR examples to ease their job and provide them with a clear picture.

Here are some examples of Business Development OKRs, which are the heartbeat of your company. Examine how they fit into your organization and make any necessary changes.

  • O Successfully expand the business to ASEAN markets
  • KR Find the best market for the launch and sign a deal with eight resellers.
  • KR Attain an average order value of $80,000.
  • KR Collaborate with resellers to sell out all initial orders in 10 (at most 20) days.
  • O Drive our bookings goal to the top
  • KR Obtain a $20 million booking.
  • KR Split and allocate a minimum of $15 to each sales manager.
  • KR Upsell and cross-sell sales should account for more than half of all reservations.
  • KR Exhibit at five or more industry events in Q1.
  • O Boost the recurring revenue in the following year
  • KR Switch Monthly subscriptions should be to annual subscriptions at an increase of 30%.
  • KR Reduce turnover to less than 4% every month.
  • KR Increase the average number of seats for monthly and annual subscriptions by 40%.
  • O Target on Business Development OKRs, work in sync with them
  • KR Achieve a weekly plan completion rate of 80% or more for all teams.
  • KR Track significant learnings over 14 weeks based on the weekly inputs from the team.
  • KR Run a poll to ensure that 95 percent of staff understand OKRs completely.
  • O Maximize the effectiveness of your selling machine
  • KR Find eight new Sales Managers.
  • KR Make four separate customer segmentation models and compare them.
  • KR Embed the winning client segmentation technique into the sales team's procedures.
  • O Incorporate new market prospects into our decision-making process for betterment
  • KR Identify 15 success factors for new market entry by analyzing the most recent ones.
  • KR Determine the viability of 12 new client market prospects using the success criteria.
  • KR Obtain proof from five expert panels from outside companies on the highest-scoring market options to confirm that they are the finest.
  • O Recruit and train the best of the players to join our sales staff
  • KR Hire ten new Accounts Executives by Q2.
  • KR Hire 25 new Sales Development Representatives by Q2.
  • KR Hire five new sales leaders.
  • KR Maintain an on-site interview offer ratio of 3:1.
  • O Pursue Excellence
  • KR Organize an internal strategy meeting with representatives from all seven teams to explore "How could we do better?" and develop ten possible enhancements.
  • KR Compare and contrast the product's features with those of 10 prominent competitors.
  • KR Identify the grey areas that need to be addressed by surveying 100 consumers and obtaining their inputs.
  • KR Perform a gap analysis and develop the scope for changes and improvements.

Why wait when you can use the most outstanding Business Development OKR examples to assist you in creating your own?


Designers work with various departments to create visual materials for Product Development, Marketing, and Business Development. The OKR examples below can help designers stay in touch with other teams and prioritize work based on the quantifiable outcomes they want to achieve.

  • O Grow into a successful UI-driven company
  • KR Ensure that representatives from each of the nine teams attend the meeting to present the new guidelines.
  • KR Ascertain that our software's layout criteria are up to date to comply with new regulations.
  • KR Ensure that our public and shareable materials blueprints are available to only the nine teams.
  • KR Ascertain that the employee poll indicates that 90 percent of employees believe we are more committed to our UI.
  • O Go live on our newly altered and restructured website
  • KR As part of a stakeholder study, interview ten persons from the sales and Business Development departments.
  • KR Make a new version of the structure, navigation, and all of the pages on our website.
  • KR Test the Prototype web pages with ten real-life users.
  • KR Build and launch a website by 1st June with adequate promotions.
  • KR Increase the percentage of visitors who sign up from 30% to 60%.
  • O Develop deliverables that support revenue and upsales efforts
  • KR Improve asset performance by 20%.
  • KR Graphic assets should be delivered within two weeks SLA of Sketch to approval.
  • KR Create and maintain an asset collection to streamline sales and advertising operations and reduce duplication.
  • KR Enrich the library assets fourfold with fresh concepts.
  • O Create and deliver a product that meets the client's expectations
  • KR Discuss the GUI brief, concept, performance, and production needs with the client.
  • KR Create a draft for Q2 FY 2023-24 and get customer approval.
  • KR Create a beta version of the product by the second quarter of the fiscal year 2023-24.
  • O Significantly reduce UX issues in production
  • KR Conduct 20 Interface testing every month.
  • KR Ensure that UX problems don't account for more than 12% of new bug reports.
  • KR Obtain 100 early-access program participants.
  • O Revamp the website to increase participation
  • KR Change your content management system.
  • KR Increase your website's quantity of product videos to 15.
  • KR A/B test the layout of the landing page design.
  • O Put our creative staff on a pedestal
  • KR Extend our participation in external design contests until at least three wins.
  • KR Use free templates and UI/UX elements to get to 3000 downloads.
  • KR Organize monthly creative director meetups with an average of 30 persons in attendance.
  • O Investigate, analyze, and comprehend the true beliefs of our users and non-users
  • KR Perform 25 web-based user tests on both existing and new users.
  • KR Get your consumers to give you a 7.5 Net Promoter Score (NPS).
  • O Create a new landing page to encourage people to explore the application
  • KR Get at least 100 external users to test the current landing page.
  • KR Conduct a test and feedback analysis to develop a list of 10 main layout structure problems that need to be addressed.
  • KR Execute ten user-test page prototypes with a 75% favorable response rate.
  • KR Aim for a 30 percent to 40 percent boost in call-to-action click rates with a reorganized landing page.


The human resource (HR) team typically uses OKRs for training to develop upskill programs or give general education and training to its employees and customers. A few OKR examples for training are provided below. Use these OKR templates to help you develop your own OKRs.

  • O Create an internal employee training program
  • KR Interview 10 team leaders to assess educational needs.
  • KR Inquire about the internal training policies of 10 other companies.
  • KR Create content for each of the ten training modules.
  • KR Evaluate the Academy curriculum by conducting a three-day team offsite.
  • O Adopt a team-wide personal development plan
  • KR Create a career path for every 30 open roles and receive team leader's approval.
  • KR Make a program that the entire PDP team can follow.
  • KR Achieve an 80 % PDPs completion rate.
  • KR Select a PDP tracking tool or system that satisfies 90% of users.
  • O Implement OKRs for all teams
  • KR Ensure that all employees are aware of the dates and times for OKR workshops.
  • KR Get an approval rating of 80 percent on the effectiveness of OKRs by conducting a survey.
  • KR Complete at least 60 percent of the tasks in the first OKR cycle.
  • O Make a plan for each department's training
  • KR Create and get team leaders' permission for an Interdepartmental training program.
  • KR Attain a training program attendance rate of 80 percent.
  • KR Obtain an NPS score of 9.0 for the training activities.
  • O Improve front-line staff
  • KR Ensure that 90% of the employees who take the training quiz succeed.
  • KR Increase the training satisfaction score from 80% to 95%.
  • KR Implement these successful Training and Education OKRs and build a solid team to take the organization to greater heights.


Your sales team can utilize the Sales OKRs to create quarterly Objectives and Key Results that can be used to track and measure their progress. The weekly check-ins also allow them to see how their everyday actions fit into the bigger plan. Use the Sales OKR samples below to develop your OKRs for your sales team.

  • O Recruit Top-skilled hires from around the world for our sales team
  • KR Take in 15 new Accounts Executives by the end of January.
  • KR Employ 20 new Sales Development Reps.
  • KR Appoint eight additional sales managers.
  • KR Keep the on-site interview offers ratio at 4:1.
  • O Focus on the Business Development OKRs you've set for yourself, identify with them, and work towards them
  • KR Ensure that all teams complete their weekly plans at a rate of 80 percent or above.
  • KR Use weekly inputs to track and document significant learnings throughout 15 weeks.
  • KR Conduct a poll to guarantee that 99 percent of staff understand OKRs completely.
  • O Expand the company's sales and market share in the ASEAN region
  • KR Determine the most promising launch market and contact at least ten resellers.
  • KR Achieve an $80,000 average sales order value.
  • KR Collaborate with resellers to sell out all initial orders in less than twenty (20) (at most twenty-five) days.
  • O Achieve this year's sales goals and see an increase in recurring revenue
  • KR Increase monthly subscriber conversion rates to annual memberships by 35%.
  • KR Reduce turnover to under 2% of overall income.
  • KR Monthly and annual subscription seats should be increased by 35%.
  • O Boost the efficiency of your sales force to its fullest potential
  • KR Engage five new sales managers.
  • KR Compare the results of three alternative approaches to client segmentation.
  • KR Develop and implement a successful customer segmentation model inside the sales organization.
  • O Be the Industry Leader
  • KR Come up with five potential ways to improve and revisit "How could we do better?".
  • KR Compare and contrast the product's attributes with those of 10 well-known competitors.
  • KR Survey 200 clients to ascertain the areas of concern.
  • O Add value to our decision-making process for new market opportunities
  • KR Determine the twelve success elements for new market entrants.
  • KR Identify and evaluate 15 new client market opportunities.
  • KR Get five impartial experts to vouch for the best-scoring solutions.
  • O Increase the number of bookings we receive to new highs
  • KR Book $20 million in sales.
  • KR Distribute sales commissions evenly across sales managers (at least $5 per salesperson).
  • KR Over 50% of all reservations should be generated through upselling and cross-selling.
  • KR Ensure there are six or more industry events in the first three months of the year.
  • KR When you can use the best examples of Sales OKRs to help you write your own, why not?

HR OKR Examples

Employee engagement, recruitment, and onboarding are just a few of the many responsibilities to HR personnel. Improvements in these HR areas can significantly impact the company's performance. However, selecting where to begin and how to measure the HR team's success can be challenging.

Human Resources Objectives and Key Results, or HR OKRs, are a set of aspirational goals that your human resources staff aspire to attain with demonstrable results. HR OKRs are a great approach to keeping track of your HR team's progress, fostering alignment, and encouraging measurable goals engagement.

  • O Attract top talent and improve the candidate experience
  • KR Reduce the TAT of candidate application to offer time to 20 days.
  • KR Ensure that 85% of hiring managers provide comments within 24 hours following the interview.
  • KR Achieve a one-week application-to-interview timeframe.
  • KR Raise the SAT score to 8.5/10.
  • O Recruit a team that is diverse and high-performing
  • KR Ascertain that women account for at least 45 percent of the total workforce.
  • KR Ensure that women account for 40% of all people managers.
  • KR New employees should train for 40 hours in their first two weeks.
  • KR Aim for a 40 percent ethnic minority representation in the team.
  • KR Create and implement a user-friendly platform for recruiting new employees on our website.
  • KR The number of employee spotlight tales should be increased from four to 10.
  • KR Reduce the number of steps in the application submission process from five to one.
  • KR Post fresh job openings live on the website within a day.
  • O Improve communication in the workplace to improve corporate culture
  • KR Launch a two-way closed-loop feedback procedure and collect 60 submissions.
  • KR Accomplish a 3.5+ Pulse Score weekly.
  • KR The CEO and SVPs should hold a monthly all-hands town hall meeting with open Q&A.
  • O Enhance Employee Retention
  • KR Improve our continuous performance management methodology and two-way closed-loop feedback mechanism.
  • KR Increase our employee happiness and engagement levels to at least 8.0.
  • KR Make your office a better place to work by conducting monthly employee surveys.
  • KR Check to see if we provide competitive salaries and benefits.
  • O Boost Employee Satisfaction and Engagement
  • KR Ascertain that every manager in the organization maintains a constant two-way feedback loop.
  • KR Deploy Pulse to conduct weekly staff surveys.
  • KR Ascertain that we have clear job objectives that will promote involvement.
  • O Enhance the well-being of your staff
  • KR Interview 20 members of your team to learn about their suggestions for improving work-life balance.
  • KR In collaborations and conversations with professionals, roll out healthy snack benefits for your staff.
  • KR Reduce the number of sick days per employee from 3 to one each month.
  • KR Ensure that at least 75% of your employees get the annual flu vaccine through on-site help.
  • O Implement an OKR program to create a goal-setting culture across the organization
  • KR Conduct eight weekly mentoring sessions and coach OKR best practices in new hires.
  • KR Ensure that 95% of staff participate in weekly check-ins.
  • KR Reduce the time it takes for a department to review and prepare OKRs from 14 to 4 days.
  • O Establish ourselves as the most efficient human resources department in our business
  • KR Automate the time-off and administrative leave requests procedure.
  • KR Ensure that all employees, particularly those in leadership positions, have completed training before the end of the quarter.
  • KR Assist all new employees in answering the follow-up questions from our business orientation video series.
  • O OKRs should be implemented throughout all teams
  • KR Ensure that all workers have time slots set aside for OKRs training courses.
  • KR Achieve a 95% acceptance rating on OKRs in an employee poll.
  • KR Attain a minimum completion rate of 70% for the first cycle of OKRs.
  • O Record career matrix for all personnel by December 31
  • KR Plan a career path meeting with all 50 managers by February 15.
  • KR Prioritize the best performers by February 20.
  • KR Develop a department-wide performance improvement plan by March 25.
  • O Enhance our benefits program while keeping our costs down
  • KR Examine the benefit plans of seven similar local firms to choose from and sign a contract with the finest new vendor.
  • KR Ascertain that at least 95% of employees are enrolled in the benefits program.
  • KR Maintain a per-team member benefit budget of less than $750 per year.
  • O Create a new and improved version of Paid Time Off leave policy
  • KR Employ an administrative assistant.
  • KR Compare five leave tracking options before choosing the best for your team.
  • KR Get 95% of the users to be happy with the new system.
  • O Performance HR OKRs Examples
  • KR Enhance the efficacy and success of all of our managers through training and development.
  • KR Maintain a continuous management training program on how to manage effectively.
  • KR Ensure that all managers have one-on-one meetings with two-way feedback regularly.
  • KR Conduct anonymous staff surveys monthly to get input on management performance.
  • O Create a top-of-the-line onboarding program for new hires
  • KR Boost onboarding employee satisfaction to 95%.
  • KR Ensure staff readiness at 98% in 4 weeks.
  • KR Match all recruits with mentors.

We hope this list of Human Resources OKR examples will help you get started on your journey to a Successful OKR Journey right away.


Marketing teams are backed up by several specialized units that help them achieve higher-level goals. Common teams include SEO, PPC, Content Promoting, Social Media, Email advertising , and Public Relations. All of the essential areas of brand, lead generation, content and social, organic search, and paid advertising are covered in the examples of OKRs below.

  • O Improve the business-to-business sales process to increase the closure rate.
  • KR Execute eight lead generation campaigns in Q2.
  • KR Take in 800 new MQLs by the second quarter.
  • KR Deliver $10 million in marketing-generated pipeline by Q2.
  • KR Produce five pieces of lead-in sales collateral by the end of the second quarter.
  • O Establish dominance in the enterprise goal management market by 2023.
  • KR Ensure that our brand perception value is at least 0.9 points higher than the next competitor's.
  • KR Make sure our product has buyer personas from at least eight Fortune 500 firms.
  • KR Increase brand visibility from 60 percent to 80 percent in the SMB sector.
  • O Enhance the Brand's Presence through the use of efficient marketing OKRs.
  • KR Increase your overall SEO ranking from 50% to 95%.
  • KR Generate traffic by 45% to 75% through backlinks.
  • KR Improve email marketing open rate from 35% to 85%.
  • O Boost brand recognition
  • KR Get five placements in the mainstream media.
  • KR Collaborate with industry experts to reach a goal of 1000 new sign ups.
  • KR Increase the number of people who follow you on LinkedIn from 100 to 1000 by giving them good content.
  • O Make a buzz about the new product and launch it successfully
  • KR Create and implement an eight-month integrated market plan in 14 days.
  • KR Build awareness, educate, and teach customers about the reasons why our solution is the best choice over two weeks using themed collateral. This will be utilized across all social media platforms and on the company's website.
  • KR Plan five community-based events in conjunction with the product launch in this quarter. Make spend management simple and pleasant by Q1.
  • O Drive Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns to increase visits to our website and reach our target population with relevant information
  • KR Develop campaign optimization strategies to generate at least 500 clicks per week from the target population.
  • KR Maintain and track the ad quality score each month to guarantee it is between 6-8.
  • KR Optimize and limit the funnel to reduce monthly CPC by 25%.
  • KR Improve the CPM/impression metrics by 25 percent on a quarter-to-quarter basis.
  • O Allow users to test our material
  • KR Discuss our articles and infographics with at least ten external editors.
  • KR Conduct 35 in-person interviews with end-users, as well as content testing.
  • KR Conduct an online poll to evaluate the quality of our diverse content (min 300 answers).
  • O Clarify our product messaging ahead of our new product launch
  • KR Take part in 15 on-site user testing sessions to learn more about TA.
  • KR Carry out research and put in place 25 new content distribution platforms.
  • KR Run 25 different Facebook ads and keep note of their results.
  • KR Prepare a new product presentation and conduct a usability test with people.
  • O Retain customers by understanding their demands
  • KR Ensure that three of your most significant customers are contacted weekly for their feedback.
  • KR Treat three excellent customers every month.
  • KR Engage with social media followers and customers at least five times a week, publishing eight comments per day.
  • O Boost the effectiveness of your content/blogging strategy
  • KR Make at least 50 blog articles in the first three months of the year.
  • KR Conduct 10 in-depth interviews with industry specialists.
  • KR Increase the number of people who subscribe to your blog to 5000.
  • KR Double the number of monthly eBooks downloads.
  • O Determine our position over the rest of the team
  • KR Create a positioning template for the first two weeks of the quarter.
  • KR Complete the positioning document before the conclusion of the first month.
  • KR Receive responses to your positioning from relevant parties (such as sales representatives who can provide comparative data on your competitors, product marketing representatives, and the C-Suite, among others) within one week of finishing the drafting document.
  • KR Make all the changes and finish the document within a week of gathering feedback.
  • KR Establish a quarterly meeting to review the positioning document and update it regularly.
  • O Create a forward-thinking community
  • KR Increase Slack membership by 5,000 subscribers in the third quarter.
  • KR Aim for a Daily Active Users rate of 30%.
  • KR Convert community members to paid customers at a rate of 30%.
  • O Create email cadences that are highly tailored for each of our top five personas
  • KR Create assets and tactics to communicate via email with distinct personas.
  • KR Configure a 10-touch email cadence for each persona, beginning with the initial content download.
  • KR Produce a product page for each of your personas (use case pages, testimonials, etc.)
  • KR Create an email automation system
  • O Set new benchmarks in terms of acquisition metrics
  • KR Increase the number of active users monthly from 10k to 15k.
  • KR Increase the number of trial sign ups from 500 to 1000.
  • KR Increase the number of paid clients you've acquired from 150 to 200.
  • KR Maintain a CAC of $10 or less.
  • KR Collaborate with one micro-influencer per week to push our material and look over their social media for any issues (acquired followers, etc.).
  • KR Interact weekly with five industry experts/thought leaders for marketing purposes.

IT Department OKR Examples

IT is an industry that is constantly changing and innovating. New technologies, such as cloud computing and cybersecurity, necessitate ongoing adaptation. When OKRs are aligned with a company's principal aim, it creates a clear picture of how to get there. Let's look at some of the top IT OKR examples that you can apply in your organization to solve challenges and adapt to the digital age.

  • O Secure digital workspaces for remote workers
  • KR Finish a penetration test by Quarter 2.
  • KR Ensure that the company's current backup options are utilized.
  • KR Prepare a competitive analysis report at the end of Q2.
  • KR Attain 100% uptime by Q2.
  • O Enhance the information technology security incident response system (IRIS)
  • KR Increase the reporting frequency from the critical incident response center from 5 to 10 times per quarter, effective immediately (CIRC).
  • KR Ensure that each end-user has the opportunity to participate in two security breach response training sessions each quarter.
  • KR Shorten the duration of service disruptions from 5 hours to 2 hours.
  • O Enhance the information technology security incident response system (IRIS)
  • KR Increase the reporting frequency from the critical incident response center from 5 to 10 times per quarter, effective immediately (CIRC).
  • KR Ensure that each end-user has the opportunity to participate in two security breach response training sessions each quarter.
  • KR Shorten the duration of service disruptions from 5 hours to 2 hours.
  • O Enhance the process of data recovery in the event of a disaster
  • KR Boost the number of data centers in the EU region by a factor of two.
  • KR Reduce backup time from 2 hours to 30 minutes.
  • KR Disaster recovery locations should be increased to five.
  • O Develop vital skills and enhance cybersecurity awareness
  • KR Increase the amount of quarterly cybersecurity awareness training sessions from one to two per quarter, effective immediately.
  • KR Reduce the amount of unauthorized web page access attempts per employee from 20 to 10.
  • KR Reduce the number of users that open phishing emails from 5% to 1%.
  • O Boost antivirus defense
  • KR Increase the number of machines with antivirus software installed from 90% to 100%.
  • KR Increase the number of systems with the most up-to-date antivirus definitions from 90% to 95 %.
  • KR Reduce the number of poorly configured SSL certificates from 7 to 1.
  • O Improve the incident management process
  • KR Increase the dedicated incident response team size from 7 to 10.
  • KR Reduce the meantime to resolution (MTTR) for events of severity two from 2 hours to 90 minutes.
  • KR Reduce recurring monthly incidences from 20 to 5. (through KMDB).
  • KR Reduce the average quarterly security incident downtime from 30 minutes to 10 minutes.
  • O Ensure that network infrastructure is well-managed
  • KR Reduce the number of WAN bottlenecks from ten to two per quarter to improve WAN connection performance management.
  • KR Improve ticket handling time for an infrastructure service from 18 hours per user to five hours this quarter.
  • KR Reduce the average time to fix network infrastructure faults from 30 to 10 hours.
  • O Improve hardware asset care and installation
  • KR Expand the hardware installation and maintenance crew from 3 to 5 people.
  • KR Ensure to get rid of any unnecessary or obsolete devices at the end of this quarter.
  • KR Increase the number of authenticated users with server room access from two to five.
  • O Improve the system's stability
  • KR Increase the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) from 25 to 50 days to improve reliability.
  • KR Reduce the mean time between failures to 10 minutes.
  • KR Conduct an environmental audit once a month.
  • KR Increase the test coverage to 80%.
  • O Increase the speed of IT development
  • KR Increase the number of merge requests per month from 5 to 7.
  • KR Reduce MTP to 5 days.
  • KR Increase the number of Merge Requests per engineer by 35 percent across all teams.
  • KR The time required to review merge requests should be decreased by 30%.
  • O Increase the speed of IT development
  • KR Increase the number of merge requests per month from 5 to 7.
  • KR Reduce MTP to 5 days.
  • KR Increase the number of Merge Requests per engineer by 35 percent across all teams.
  • KR The time required to review merge requests should be decreased by 30%.
  • O Provide enterprise customers with convenient features
  • KR Keep the developer-to-maintainer ratio at 1:10.
  • KR All enterprise-wide priority concerns should be addressed on a timely basis.
  • KR Identify and implement ten significant performance enhancements.
  • O Cut financial, and IT costs
  • KR Reduce asset maintenance costs from $300 to $200 per quarter.
  • KR Reduce quarterly infrastructure expenditures per employee from $200 to $150.
  • KR Reduce training costs per user from $10000 to $800 per person.

Leadership OKR Examples

  • O Extend the company's reach across the country to increase revenue tremendously
  • KR Increase the number of new personnel in the sales and marketing departments by 30 percent.
  • KR Launch five new geographical promotional initiatives aimed at our ICPs to boost website traffic.
  • KR Increase average income from $3 million to $5 million in sales outside the Northeast.
  • KR In the Central region, acquire 250 new mid-sized clients.
  • O Increase revenue by expanding into global markets in strategic locations
  • KR Direct the employment of the ten new BDMs and SDRs to lower the product's price in European markets.
  • KR Develop a premium version of the product's features to appeal to the APAC region's luxury market.
  • KR Develop and implement five geographical sales initiatives aimed at our ICPs.
  • KR Maintain a quarterly sales pipeline of at least $400K in qualified leads.
  • KR In EMEA markets, sign contracts with a minimum of 20 new customers.
  • O Become a market leader
  • KR Focus on product improvements to reimagine the customer experience and meet international consumer recognition requirements.
  • KR Every six months, conduct a poll of the top 20% of consumers to assure retention.
  • KR Create the most acceptable portfolio using client input from Fortune 300 firms in the top 100 to 500.
  • KR Organize and attend at least five industry conferences.
  • KR Increase the number of people who sign up for your newsletter by 250 every week.
  • KR Take home the "Product of the Year" award.
  • KR Obtain three highlighted papers in a prominent trade journal.
  • O Increase the number of product trails
  • KR Release the premium version of the product and concentrate on cross-selling revenues of $7 million to $10 million by Q1.
  • KR Increase the product's average screen time to convert visitors into active new users.
  • KR Achieve a trial-to-paid ratio of more than 30%.
  • KR Reach 20% new sign up ratio by 2023.
  • O Improve the onboarding process for remote workers
  • KR Make job offer templates that all hiring managers can use.
  • KR Provide the hiring managers with an overview of the company's achievements and best practices.
  • KR Book a 90-day review with all new hires this year.
  • O Streamline the process of documenting all users' access, permissions, and login information for the organization's various software
  • KR Diversify the recruiting process.
  • KR Review job listings with an HR professional to ensure inclusion and competitiveness.
  • KR At least 15 candidates for each post should be shortlisted and interviewed, with at least eight marginalized populations.
  • KR Increase the diversity of your firm from 30% to 55%.
  • KR Limit the hiring of personnel to the complete range of salaries and benefits specified in the operational budget.
  • KR Increase the number of women in leadership positions to 40%.
  • KR Remove the pay gap between men and women by implementing a transparent pay policy.
  • KR Remove all gender prejudice from job descriptions.

Growth - Leadership OKR Examples

  • O Improve your management abilities
  • KR Improve your decision-making skills so you can examine complicated business situations and devise a strategy for going forward.
  • KR Build and earn the team's trust to boost the team's energy levels, resulting in increased production and employee engagement.
  • KR Give each direct report 1 item of actionable input per month.
  • KR Schedule a meet with a management coach/mentor each quarter.
  • KR Take action on employee input and meet with your team quarterly to discuss your progress.
  • O Encourage better communication between supervisors and reporters
  • KR Create platforms for one-on-one meetings.
  • KR Meet with all managers to talk about and learn about the strategies they use to increase team bonding and communication.
  • KR Check in with your supervisors every month to ensure that all one-on-ones are held and only rescheduled if needed due to vacations or emergencies.
  • KR Set up regular check-ins with employees outside of their annual performance evaluations.

When it comes to getting a new system up and operating, there are no shortcuts, and to put a plan in place, your management team must take the lead. With that in mind, I hope the Management/Leadership OKR Example above has influenced your Leadership team's progress toward your company's goals.

Engineering OKR Examples

Like any other OKRs, Engineering OKRs should be written according to a few rules. Poorly built OKRs reduce the methodology's effectiveness by being ambiguous, ineffective, or demotivating. Here are some examples of Engineering OKRs to motivate engineers at all levels: individuals, managers, and the entire team. To get you started:

  • O Deliver a "must-have" product that delights customers and expands our user base
  • KR Increase our Net Promoter Score (NPS) to 70.
  • KR The number of daily active users (DAUs) should be increased from 1500 to 1,800.
  • KR Produce 1,00 downloads by launching a mobile version of the product.
  • O Improve the quality of our publications
  • KR Reduce the number of bugs reported from 10 to 3 after the release.
  • KR Increase the percentage of code unit testing covered from 30% to 50%.
  • KR Increase the average number of team members involved in product testing from two to four before release.
  • O Boost the development team's productivity
  • KR Sprinting should be increased from 50 to 75 points.
  • KR On average, reduce the number of flaws per feature from 3.0 to 1.
  • KR Increase the efficiency of code reviews by 25%.
  • KR Reduce the proportion of "design-blocked" features to 5%.
  • O Form a world-class engineering team
  • KR Recruit 25 new engineers at the end of 2023-24's Q2.
  • KR Make three different customer segmentation models and compare them.
  • KR Ensure that each team member participates in at least one industry-wide hackathon to broaden their knowledge and skillsets.
  • O Keep your workload manageable
  • KR Biweekly meetings with engineering and product executives are required to ensure that upcoming initiatives are appropriately prioritized.
  • KR Eliminate deprioritized initiatives.
  • KR Ascertain that the work for the next four months is ready for engineering.
  • O Increase the conversion rate of shopping carts from 30% to 50%
  • KR Release the updated shopping cart before August 30.
  • KR Increase the new downloads to 100,000 this month.
  • KR Automate all manual tasks and deploy our production system in under 15 minutes.
  • O Examine the A, B, and C tools to discover the most effective
  • KR Evaluate the development process using four distinctive A, B, and C tool functionalities.
  • KR Use the following criteria to compare tools A, B, and C to decide which one best suits our needs: (1-speed, 2-size, 3-accuracy, 4-security, 5-integration with other devices).
  • KR Test the tool with the most outstanding matching score while building five additional features simultaneously to assure consistent results.
  • O Enhance the overall quality of our backend code
  • KR Code integration tests should be implemented before the end of the first quarter.
  • KR Implement an API on a surveillance system before the closure of this quarter.
  • KR Finish two n+1 query issues by quarter's end.
  • O Install a trending system to keep track of crucial infrastructure data over time
  • KR Conduct research and conversations to locate a trending system such as Prometheus or Grafana.
  • KR Install, set up, and acquaint yourself with the system within a sprint cycle.
  • KR Install a data collector on all critical data storage technology instances to offer comprehensive trending data storage technology in service within a sprint cycle.
  • KR Establish one secondary critical system per sprint cycle.
  • KR Complete all of the necessary results by the conclusion of the quarter.
  • O Enhance data security significantly
  • KR Ensure that everyone on your team has received security training.
  • KR Reduce the number of data backups performed by 30%.
  • KR Keep the number of data breaches to a minimum.

Drive your engineering teams to work toward these Engineering OKR Examples to build an outstanding engineering team.

Company OKR Examples

Most people have no idea what they're doing when setting company OKRs. Instead, you'll develop a company objective — or goals — that will be divided into individual OKRs for each department.

Your company's OKRs are at the top of the OKR hierarchy. This indicates that your company's OKRs align with your strategic goals, target regions, and "must-wins." They're typically done once a year or once a quarter, and they're part of your overall strategy. This means that the greatest company OKRs are those that are built around your system, with your OKR stating what you'll focus on and how you'll measure success. Start by looking at a few instances of Company OKR Examples below and then create your own.

  • O Extend the scope of our company's global operations
  • KR Meet the company's $150 million global sales target.
  • KR Achieve a 100 percent year-over-year sales gain in the EMEA area.
  • KR Increase the average contract size by 40% for the company. (incl. upselling)
  • KR Reduce churn to less than 4% per year. (Source: Customer Success)
  • O Gain 35% of our competitors' Latin American market share in one year
  • KR Meet the deadline of December 31st in completing the LATAM market research and SWOT analysis for senior management.
  • KR Hire and train four bilingual salespeople by Mid January.
  • KR Get the MVP version of the product in Spanish ready for use by March 1st, including the top five features that people want.
  • O Maintain profitability while breaking new sales records
  • KR Sales of new enterprise-level accounts should be increased from $35 million to $60 million.
  • KR Increase revenue from existing customers' add-on services by $15 million to $25 million.
  • KR Maintain 10-15 percent profit margins by optimizing headcount and negotiating contracts.
  • O Increase revenue by increasing customer retention
  • KR Enhance the onboarding process within the product.
  • KR Optimize enterprise MQLs for long-term clients as part of the strategy.
  • KR Build and maintain long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with them.
  • O Assist in the creation of more objective company culture
  • KR Ensure that 95% of KRs are up to date biweekly.
  • KR Achieve 95% of the goals.
  • O Launch the new product successfully in the first quarter
  • KR Create seven new customer case studies for your product.
  • KR At least 25 new product customers with an average order value of more than $30,000 must be acquired.
  • KR Acquire the position of Leader in Gartner's Magic Quadrant.
  • KR Earn the title of 'Best Product of the Year' in the industry.
  • O Offer the best in the business to win customers
  • KR Please increase the number of products we offer by 50%.
  • KR Increase the average annual expenditure of customers by 30% to 60%.
  • O Obtain additional funding before the fiscal year ends
  • KR Make at least 35 contacts with venture capital firms.
  • KR Attend at least 15 meetings with venture capital firms.
  • KR Make sure you have at least seven term sheets with our basic minimum terms in place.
  • KR Close the deal with at least $10 million.
  • O Boost brand recognition
  • KR Increase the number of media engagements by 25%.
  • KR Consumers should be rewarded for suggesting new customers.
  • KR Discover seven new public relations opportunities.

OKRs have a better likelihood of being met since they encourage employee engagement and adaptability. Your team will be more inclined to follow your lead if you use company's OKRs to lead by example.

Supply Chain OKR Examples

Supply chain management comprises a sequence of procedures that generate value by converting raw resources into finished goods. Because supply chain management is such an important activity, utilizing efficient company's OKRs for the supply chain team may help a company improve its operational efficiency and, consequently, profitability.

Check out the Supply Chain OKR Example below for some ideas on revolutionizing your company.

  • O Keep your inventories in check
  • KR Decrease the processing time of orders from 36 to 12 hours.
  • KR In Q4, reduce the reorder lead time from 10 to 5 days.
  • KR Reduce the number of customers with backorders from 5% to 1%.
  • O Reduce material loss as much as possible
  • KR Equip the godown with ten cameras to boost coverage and enable theft identification.
  • KR Increase the frequency of safe material handling instruction from thrice a year to once a quarter.
  • KR Reduce the losses due to inadequate temperature regulation from 5% to 0%.
  • O Increase the purchasing department's efficiency.
  • KR Reduce the average fault rate among suppliers from 8% to 1%.
  • KR Reduce the emergency buying percentage from 5% to 1% every three months.
  • KR Reduce the average purchase order cycle time by half, from 5 to 1 day.
  • O Add Sustainability to Supply Chain Processes
  • KR Increase the sustainability indices by 10%.
  • KR Continue to save $50,000 by educating people about carbon inefficiency.
  • KR Conserve up to $20,000 per year by recycling, reusing, and refurbishing goods.
  • O Utilize technology to its full potential in the supply chain
  • KR Increase the number of competent suppliers by establishing buyer and supplier communities.
  • KR Attain complete automation of Supply Chain visibility.
  • KR Create and implement decision-making aids.
  • KR Increase the number of decisions taken by implementing prescriptive analytics suggestions.
  • KR Recommend extensive data analysis to cut inventory costs.
  • O Boost the efficiency of your shipping and freighting performance
  • KR Increase the order rate from 90% to 100% in the first quarter.
  • KR The precision of freight bills should be increased from 95% to 98% in Q1.
  • KR Reduce shipping and freight costs from $4 to $3 per unit.
  • O Improve the delivery timelines to a consumer by a significant amount
  • KR Increase the percentage of shipments that arrive on schedule from 80% to 98 %.
  • KR Increase the percentage of orders shipped for delivery within 24 hours from 30% to 65%.
  • KR Increase the percentage of on-time delivery orders from 80% to 90%.
  • O Boost customer satisfaction
  • KR Provide an end-to-end delivery traceability solution.
  • KR Reduce the number of late deliveries from 20% to 5%.
  • KR Reduce the time it takes to respond to online customer delivery questions from three hours to thirty minutes.

These ten supply chain OKR examples will show you how to use OKRs to manage supply chain demands efficiently.

Operations OKR Examples

Operational excellence can help you advance your digital transformation. All aspects of your business can benefit from operational excellence. Active management encompasses infrastructure, industrial ,OT and IT operations and manufacturing processes, to name a few. As a result, creating explicit OKRs for the Operations Team is critical. We've put together a list of Operational OKRs to assist you in setting up your framework.

  • O Enhance the Infrastructure and IT standards
  • KR Recognize and resolve any issues that arise before the closure of Q3.
  • KR Create and implement a new cloud backup system and procedure.
  • KR Increase IT productivity and satisfaction.
  • O Prepare for 2023 by learning how to be an effective EA on your own
  • KR Read four business management books. (Here are a few samples to get you started: The Goal and Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap ... and Others Don't .)
  • KR Devise new team-building strategies to boost morale and happiness.
  • KR Take an Excel course at the end of Q2 to become more efficient in Excel and make your weekly reports more productive.
  • O Examine why our churned customers didn't recognize the value we were providing
  • KR Obtain a response rate of 50% on the survey about churn factors.
  • KR Interview 30% of the people who answered the survey's questions to determine why they did so.
  • KR Analyze the responses and make three suggestions for improvement.
  • O Improve the internal document management system's efficiency
  • KR Ensure that all ten teams agree on folder structures and implement them.
  • KR Ascertain that each of the ten teams promptly completes the transfer and consolidation of all documents into the new framework.
  • KR Collate feedback from all users and make sure it's at least 75% positive.
  • O Boost the efficiency of your operations
  • KR Enhance the company's approval processes' efficiency.
  • KR Ascertain that executives attend all scheduled meetings and events on time.
  • KR Executives should have their inboxes cleared at least once a week.
  • KR Plan administrative staff training every three months.
  • O Improve the office's appeal as a place to work
  • KR Obtain feedback on operational improvement opportunities from 80 percent of employees.
  • KR Determine and address the top ten operational issues.
  • KR With the support of a 10-member administrative team, verify enhanced teamwork.
  • KR Safely secure all the client and company data to the cloud.
  • O Ensure that office supplies are always available
  • KR The cost of operations should be decreased by 10%
  • KR Create a web-based system for registering for conference rooms.
  • KR Choose a new document-sharing platform and launch it.
  • O Create a distinct corporate culture
  • KR Increase employee retention to 90%.
  • KR Make a brand-new onboarding procedure.
  • KR Conduct employee satisfaction surveys quarterly throughout the organization to gauge overall satisfaction.
  • KR Achieve a 90 percent satisfaction rating at work.
  • KR Plan company outings once a month.
  • O Make budgeting a structured process to purchase in bulk and cut down on costs
  • KR Reduce the amount of publicity purchases from 80 to 2 per quarter (in case of emergency).
  • KR Identify five long-term vendors with whom you can negotiate special rates.
  • KR Make a quarterly savings of at least $2000 on recurring expenses.